Whether App app for iPhone and iPad
Finally, an answer to whether it was warmer or colder last year. Now with current and last years forecast.
You can quickly compare the current temperature to last year and how the current forecast compares to last year. Explore weather changes for your current location or across the globe. Precipitation, wind, & humidity panels are available for in-app purchase.
Latest reviews of Whether App app for iPhone and iPad
No Celcius
Why not keep this app in the US store if youre not going to bother acknowledging the rest of the planet?
Why not keep this app in the US store if youre not going to bother acknowledging the rest of the planet?
Buy but its free
Buy...buy.....buy if you want this or that. But its free. Bye.
Buy...buy.....buy if you want this or that. But its free. Bye.
Fixes the boring Weather Conversation
Whether is awesome! This app fixes the boring "How about that weather" conversation at the water-cooler, when you have no other small talk. Now if someone asks, you can tell them that a year ago it was warmer/cooler/raining/humid and anywhere in between!
Whether is awesome! This app fixes the boring "How about that weather" conversation at the water-cooler, when you have no other small talk. Now if someone asks, you can tell them that a year ago it was warmer/cooler/raining/humid and anywhere in between!
Good start
Great visuals, but how do you change units? I dont want temp in Fahrenheit, where are the settings??
Great visuals, but how do you change units? I dont want temp in Fahrenheit, where are the settings??
It still needs work
App experience can be improved, like a lot.
Write review
App experience can be improved, like a lot.